304 Grade and 316 Grade Stainless Steel: What Differentiates them?


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304 and 316 are different grades of stainless steel. When people wish to prefer one of these, confusion may surround them. These grades can hint at certain differences with respect to the attributes of the material. Even though stainless steel products featured in both grades may look similar, they will be different, as is reflected by Mr. Neeraj Raja Kochhar.

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In Terms of Composition

For knowing the differences in composition, MTR or material test report is conducted on 304 and 316 grades of stainless steel. Experts like Mr. Kochhar believe that the composition of the two can indicate a major difference at first. As per the findings, 304-grade stainless steel is inclusive of 8% nickel and 18% chromium. 3016 grade of the material comes with 10% nickel, 16% chromium content, and 2% molybdenum. Neeraj Kochhar's biography suggests that the different percentages of these materials can produce different kinds of changes with respect to their characteristics.

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In Terms of Corrosion Resistance

As you would now know, grade 316 stainless steel comes with molybdenum. Due to this, the corrosion resistance property of the material becomes stronger than that of grade 304 stainless steel. So, for conditions that demand higher resistance to corrosion, stainless steel with grade 316 will prove to be better.

In Terms of Heat Resistance

Mr. Neeraj Raja Kochhar explains that stainless steel with grade 304 is quite versatile. However, when the stainless steel products have to be placed in solutions that are extremely corrosive, grade 316 will be more suitable. It comes with the additional ability to survive chemical solutions. For this reason, stainless steel products of this grade can be used for various pharmaceutical activities.

Final Verdict

As per Mr. Kochhar, grades 304 and 316 of stainless steel come with properties that can be apt for differing situations. Based on the situation for which you require this material, the grade should be chosen. We believe that after reading the points of differentiation above, you'll be able to pick the best grade depending upon the application. If you are looking for Neeraj Kochhar CBI News, read here
